Water Distillation System

Distilled water is the purest form of water that is condensed from the boiling water. The steam from the boiling water is cooled and returned to liquid state.

All water, no matter if it comes from a natural spring, artesian well or regular tap may have trace amounts of minerals, bacteria, pesticide and other contaminants. Distillation removes all those impurities. In general non purified water could cause or interfere with chemical reactions as well as leave mineral deposits after boiling away. One method of removing impurities from water and other fluids is distillation.

D waterplus is a fully automatic system which converts the tap water to distilled water and gets collected in a 5 litre container. This water can be used for reagents preparation from the stored container. The new idea behind the development of this product is to save condenser water unlike other distillation units that flows through the water condenser there by saving water. When system is not in use, water flow to the condenser is completely stopped.

The system is fully automated from feeding and maintaining water level in the boiler, auto cut off of water to the condenser when the level is achieved and when instrument is not in use. Auto cut off of heater and condenser water when the set level in the container is reached.

Dwaterplus is very user friendly and less user intervention scale formation cleaning around the heater is a problem in glass distillation system, whereas being a stainless steel steam generator, replacement and cleaning of steam generator is very easy. The water condenser is fabricated with stainless steel assembly and it can be dismantled very easily for cleaning  and removing of scale deposits.

The main advantage of this system is, the integration of second unit to the first one and make it into a double distillation system. Double distilled water is the requirement for some research applications, adding another system to this will give a double distilled water. Every system will have provisions to add another system and make it into double distillation system. Every system comes with a small membrane panel with LED indications for Heater, power and water condenser.

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